What's behind your artist name?


Too many artist names to count throughout the years, I’m trying to stabilise and force myself to use one and just allow myself to be ecclectic for now. I’ve been using “the_reunion_of_broken_parts”, which is a literal translation of the arabic word that “algebra” comes from. I like maths! That’s all there really is to it. Adding the underscores and using a monospaced font means I can wrap it into a few different rectangular shapes nice and regular for some visual idents


I chose “Vaelency” because I was homesick over my hometown Valencia, and it seemed even more suitable because the word valence is a measure of the strength of chemical bonds (as alcohol is likely consumed at shows), the “AE” seemed suitable for being from Los Angeles, and it’s a good explanation for the kind of trance I hope to put listeners in when they hear it and get Vaelency themselves. Clever, ain’t it??


From a 90’s American TV series. But instead of just telling you, I thought I capture some samples of one of the main characters, stick them to a beat, and let you work it out.


I’m taking a shot in the dark because I only know a handful of 90s tv shows… Highlander?


Phoof! I haven’t thought of Babylon 5 in years.



Which Character is in the track though?


Oh gods man…too many decades ago! No clue. lol



I was the first Somnio on SoundCloud when it was still in its nascent stage. But after years have gone on, I’m surrounded by other artists going by the same name and considering alternatives. I think they see something else in it, but it’s cool and fun to say, so it’s no shock that my short URL is now somnio-telephone-number-URL because of another artist who liked the name too, but was producing music whereas my account was pretty much dead for 10 years. I’m not mad, I was dormant and it’s not fair to squat on cool usernames and then be afk forever.

What’s behind it? At the time (2007 or so) I was fascinated by sleep and dreams, and my favorite artists are the Surrealists and Dadaists. Magritte is my favorite, perhaps I’ll find a fun-to-say reference to his work. I decided to keep it.


That’s funny; I got mine from a fever dream :smiley:


My life, really


Omukade-Vengeful Mother, and its a giant centipede monster and at the part where a head should be is a woman’s head torso and arms to lull an unsuspecting predator into its trap, picked it a long time ago, but its become more relevant now that my mom and (basically every woman in my family as well) woman like her are finally getting back at their abusers, in totally legal ways as far as I know.


We like mythological names, and Medusa always seemed like the wronged party in the story, and sure as hell if we could turn men into stone just by looking at them we wouldn’t go and live in a cave.

It helps that there doesn’t appear to be anyone produching breaks or techno under the name, theres a dj and vocalist, but otherwise theres not a massive number of people using the name


I release under the name Cowcatcher Deep Spank. The name came from an academic article on deep water surveying for maritime archaeology. Apparently the ship’s crew had given two names to the ROV submarine they had…Cowcatcher otherwise known as Deep Spank. I always thought it sounded kinda provocative, but came from such an unexpected source :stuck_out_tongue:


lol, that was my first thought too. I love it


I don’t really truly remember why I picked “Fidelium”. To be honest I think it was the mushrooms slash mother ship who gave it to me, and I said sure why not. This was 2004, and I had myspace.com/fidelium and everything.

I was doing a lot of hallucinogens back then. I remember writing this track Fibrillation feature Ken Kesey’s acid rants all over it. Sampled from the acid tests with the Merry Pranksters. Trippy shit. I was just starting out producing electronic music. My connection with acid and mushrooms helped me release myself from the outcasting, overbearing religious world I grew up in.

I’m not necessarily super proud of this track, but I remember it meaning something to me at one point.

After typing all these words out, I guess Fidelium might sort of be a reminder and representation of the imbalance and shakiness that relying on faith in a magical creator has produced in my life, and my journey toward believing there is a power and energy residing within the universe that doesn’t require my believing in it to exist and also shine through me.

Fidelium in Latin means “faith”, and I do remember my dumbass 20-something self saying I named my music project that “because I have none”. Faith, that is. Fucking eye roll. Anyone else wanna kick the past selves’ asses sometimes? The irony in me telling people that at parties is that I was lying, because I still wanted to have faith, but it was more of a way to say that it’s hard to. And I don’t mean I still wanted to have faith in a Christian God, but deeper than that. I wanted to broaden my search of what could possibly be there, if anything. That search is what life’s all about.

'Whatever, at this point, me being Fidelium and making music under that name, it’s published and on every music platform and shit and my credits are Executive Producer and Mastering Engineer credits and Co-Creator of IDMf Netlabel albums so yeah, not really escaping it. I can’t just abruptly pretend Fidelium isn’t me because Fidelium is over a decade of my music making life. But yeah at this point I want to close the book. Somehow.


@xlbatsp if you have even a basic laptop there are free DAWs and VSTs, there is no reason to wait (unless you don’t have a computer). You absolutely don’t need physical gear. There are inexpensive headphones that would get you started. Or just use what you have.


My Original name was Z, because my friends pronounced my name (sebastian) as “Zeah”. Then, due to how common using a nime like “Z” was, I changed it into Lord_Z, as it is a cool name and it is also the name I use for my gaming accounts




Big fan of your work. I’ve listened to your albums many times!


Thank you so much! I swear, I’m working on a lot of new stuff! Appreciate the kind words <3