Things that piss you off the most


walking to my favorite cafe, and seeing a homeless man wrapped in a blanket, sleeping on the sidewalk.
man this pandemic is truly sad.i am in that boat but i stay in a shelter in manchester.
N.H. is the worst place to be homeless.little or no programs.jail is this state’s answer to mental illness, addiction , and homelessness. (loitering, trespass etc.)
Truly sad, especially during a pandemic.rents are so high, and wages so low, i don’t get it man.


The more I watch political news or look it up on various social media platforms the more I feel like there is nothing worth standing for

Cause the past few years have exposed a lot of ugliness…

I guess it’s a reminder to not betray ourselves by giving into human shortcomings.

Good thing I’ve been cutting politics out of my life.


I get it @Rixtr … I’m from there.


There are things worth standing for, just not a lot of representatives who value principle over money.
It is exhausting to keep up with though because of how often politicians are just giant cucks to huge corporations and the establishment.
It’s either that they like money a lot or they’re scared shitless of the establishment canceling them and become their little bitch as a result of it.


Not referencing representatives…

Nowadays listening to the media it portrays that some causes are like a religion that people pray to and offer human sacrifices to…which can lead to disillusionment and becoming brainwashed into extremism.

And I’ve been doing some casual research into what these causes are actually about instead of going by the word of other peoples opinion as presented by the media.

There also has been a cultural philosophical shift towards ethical utilitarianism…more and more…which I think needs to be balanced out…cause individual rights under ethical utilitarianism fade…and so called “ethical utilitarianism” is no longer ethical when people as individuals have no rights…

Theres probably a better way to word that but hopefully it makes sense.

As for the cases where the individual transgresses the rights of another individual we have due process…so…

But then there is the other aspect of people using “game” trying to destroy their enemies…and by game I mean social manipulation which anyone can smell from a mile away…when it comes to that, that’s when people decide to pick favorites…

Is “game” ethical I’d say no because its perpetual selfishness. But that’s the way it is and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Just gotta accept that harsh reality.


I’m trying to cut politics out of my life too man but it’s like so very difficult when that is almost all anyone around me thinks and talks about. People just mean af now.:slightly_frowning_face:


Either sports or sex are better things to talk about.
And by sex I mean…hypotheticals…like would you insert scenario with celebrity…for example I would let Jennifer love Hewitt sit on my face…either her or Kat Dennings…they thiccc…so hawt…

I know it may be crude low level intellectual talk…but hey if people cant enjoy the simple things in life then people are missing out.


Machiavellianism…people who pit people against each other…I almost got played…but I caught the person trying to do a divide and conquer…

If people think I’m an asshole…ok…but there are certain lines of assholery that I don’t cross.


Manchester NH ? hell that would be cool!


I grew up in Pelham and Hudson. Lived in Nashua for a few years before moving to California… that was 1979.

I have family in Weare, Pittsfield, Barnstead, Exeter, etc… yeah… my roots are in the “Live Free or Die” state.

Hope you are recovered from that nasty fall you had a while back…


Misinformation cause gotta do work to find out what is truth…fml

And when equality is used as an excuse by some to bully what would otherwise be reasonable people that would most likely be on the same side as them.


Most politicians of the Republican party are trumps prison bitch…

Ffs have some independent thoughts…


Also stupidity example I heard LeBron James being called a racist…

Does he have bias like everyone else? yes…
Do I have bias? yes
Does bias mean racist? not necessarily…
Do I agree with everything he does? no
Is he a good bbal player? no denying it

Free country free speech he can do what he wants

Some people may think he’s an asshole…but some people also think that I’m an asshole…so…

Why the fuck should I care if LeBron James calls me cracker chad…or whatever

He’ll probably hate me if I hate him…
Cause hate begets hate…
I mean there are no obligations to like each other…

But also Nice begets nice…
Being nice and respectful to people you don’t like is part of adulting…

So LeBron James can be biased towards me, doesn’t have to like or give a fuck about my existence…but he most likely will be adulting like me if we ever cross paths…which will never happen but whateves…

Also Republicans I had better hopes for ye…Abraham Lincoln 2024…fuck sigh…shame facepalm…

To quote tropic thunder…Never go full retard.

Going Full retard…going into a 711 and bitching about systemic capitalistic oppression all because I don’t feel like coughing up 20bucks for a six pack of coors light and would rather have beer for free…as opposed to paying for it like functioning member of society.


This guy is right. Many employers rely on the fact that people need jobs and just do the minimum and then expect the employee to do the maximum.


How these covid measures completely fucked the business that I spent the last 5 years busting my ass to create, hard to not feel sore about it as here I am with nothing and homelessness being a looming threat… all thanks to measures that did more harm than good anyway (at least here in the UK it be so)

the amount of good times I put off because I thought all that work would eventually pay off… I guess lesson learned is don’t live for tomorrow as it may not be there.


Don get me wrong I just like simple things like women with a big booty and big titties, ice T’s wife coco austin is a perfect example.

But people like armie hammer and his whole debacle make me go what in the fuck is wrong with you. Its totally disgusting and really fucked up. I wish i had mental bleach.

Wtf is wrong with people. The world is fucked.


Chip shops that use a pun on the word ‘plaice’ in their name but don’t actually sell it.


They should make sugar and salt more different, I accidently sugared my steak dinner and as I’m eating I was like wtf why is it sweet …ffuffufufufufu


Screen share your phone to your TV and watch mandolorian that way.


Man this is fucking stressing me out…

Feeling a bit low, not having seen friends in weeks, needing to see them, and then you’ve arranged to chill, and he’s on his way, and then he get’s hit by a car and airlifted to hospital with serious spinal and neck injuries.

And you know what, it happens right down the fucking road from me.

Just tonight.

I don’t even know why I’m fucking posting this here. Maybe it will make me feel better, maybe I’m looking for some form of sympathy.

When I was a kid, my cat got lost somewhere. Me and my mum printed hundreds of posters and put them on every lamppost in the area.

A woman finds the cat, she says with paint dried on her face. So she phones the RSPCA, and they collect our Gracie.

You know fucking what? They can’t find who she belongs to so they dump her on the same street they picked her up from.

Just to top it all off, a neighbour who saw the sign informs us that her body is out on the road, just up a bit, across from our house.


Holy crackers, sorry to read this dude. That is not going to be a fast recovery but I hope he makes it.