The Tutorials Thread


another breakcore tutorial


What time signature is this and why time sig. are chanched

btw it is the best breakcore tutorial i’ve seen .


read this article : izotope tuto it’s quite informative on the subject.


Changed the time division to get an odd groove.
Think like a metronome…in between the pulses you can divide the time by an odd number or even number. Dividing the time by odd numbers gives it swing.

As far as what time sig… standard 4/4 main beat I guess but the fills the in between stuff are 10/7 or something.

Why because it’s weird and different. Also challenging to make it sound good which makes the process more fun.


Well @ BFK … that was a long weekend ( since November!:man_shrugging:) finally got back to this… must admit I was completely mystified by the first few minutes of the tutorial… but as the sounds started to build up it started to click… literally.

Fascinating… something to think about

Thank you for that :sunglasses:.


@Redukt, and anyone else that is curious… my peak controller trick for glitch wub fills fully documented


another peak controller usage tutorial




big fan of ned rush. love his videos


A sound design resampling session/ tutorial.

also this is how i used to make music before i learned anything about synthesis…


how to glitch a bassline…


I was so happy about the new WaveTable generator in UE Metasounds I wanted to talk a bit about wavetables, but it morphed into a seven part series - I think I start more than one 50 min video in this series with "but THIS ONE will be very quick… lol. Anyways, first part is up now…:

Be prepared to get bored if you are not new to wavetable synths, this is focused on real beginner stuff…


Here are the next two entries in my Wavetabling series, first one is mostly about table editing in Serum, Icarus and Vital, seocnd one is about parallel moprhing in Avenger, Pigments, Falcon and Wavetable:

These two are still very slow and about basic stuff, next two are gonna be about some special functions in Serum and icarus and then on to Metasounds…


Today some special Serum tricks - image import, formulas and LFO curve point modulation:


Here’s a quick one just talking about and trying out the various different audio import options in Icarus.