Pictures of your setup


Warmth fills my heart knowing you strive to reach your true form. Like the Cell Saga! :smiley:


Built another control room. Some.networkung stuff, some video, some audio


Even though I’m naturally chaotic there is something really satisfying about those organized, just long enough cables in whatever kind of patchbays (looks like network/CAT) those are…


Not mine, but this is all the stuff I look after on tour (minus the drum kit, I am no drum tech). I built custom cable looms for the whole operation so it looks as tidy as those plexiglass allow. In drum world, there is a Roland spdsx and Elektron Analog RYTM mk2.

Coming to an arena near you….


Yeah some network, routed to switchers, cameras, and floor boxes. Love chaos too, but for this sort of system stuff gets super disorganized quick without things being “fluent”


Can you tell us whose gear this is? If not, I understand.


This is the stage setup for Rufus Du Sol. Sort of prog house pop. I’ve been working w them for about 3 years.

Lovely blokes.


I kinda thought that’s who it was. If they swing by Ohio’s way I am gonna catch them for sure. I dig their music pretty well. Almost certain you turned me on to them.


I love that there’s a chair facing it in one of those areas where they are famously no use whatsoever :rofl:

(I know engineers need to sit down once in a while, but still…)


JJ Abrams would be proud of the lens flare :smiley:


:rofl: yeah sometimes when you’re stuck trying to think, sitting down helps relieve the stress?


Need more cowbell…


I added a thing c:


Buh bye

Had to move, there isnt enough power where im at, so everything is off for meow.


That’s lovely

I’ve been thinking of a berhinger - which do you prefer out of the pro 1 and neutron ?


Do you only play the keyboard into it? It doesn’t have a sequencer does it?


No matter what, I just keep coming back to this when I want to get shit done.


I wouldn’t want one as my main keyboard, but I enjoy it in it’s own way. I figured out music theory on my laptop’s keyboard mapped to midi with a milimeter of keytravel and zero velocity sensitivity, so in that way I feel at home on it.


I don’t play keys so for me it’s great as I can make nice expressive patches that rely on the aftertouch or in this case, the amount of finger I put on the keyboard. I suppose if you are used to keys then this would feel odd.


I realize Id never really watched a proper walkthrough of the Microfreak. Seems like way more going than I would have thought by looking at it.